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Project Management - How We Work.

The Customer becomes our strategic partner at the moment of making decision to work on his web site. To succeed in this partnership we developed the following logistics:

1) WizArt Manager and Customer's representative clarify:

A) Will we create a new site or redesign an existing one.
B) What is the time frame for the project? Are there any limiting terms?
C) Who is a Customer's decisionmaker (DM)?
D) Are design, structure, and navigation described in Customer's Request For Proposal RFP?
E) Who is responsible for the content? Is there a strict approved company style?
F) Will we need to create content, search for images, scan and process photos, create custom graphics, etc.?

2) Manager and DM clarify:
A) What content will be provided by Customer? (Texts, images, logos, style descriptions, company booklets, presentations etc.)
B) Detailed elaboration of Customer's RFP. Site structure, description, and other parameters.
C) Target audience.
D) What information should be updated? How often?
E) Where are you going to host the site? What is a hosting platform (NT, Unix, Linux, etc.)?
As a result both parties now have a detailed RFP. On its basis we produce technological specifications and estimate the budget.

If we reach consensus we move to the technological cycle:

I. Site structure (map) and its approval by Customer.
II. Technological specifications.
III. WizArt team sets expected terms of fulfilling the order.
IV. The budget is estimated and approved. Time terms are set. Agreement (when necessary) is signed.
V. Web development according to the approved map. The Customer must understand that changing main links and components is equal to making them anew by the labor costs. The links from the index page are the basis of the site map. If they change the site looses its integrity, and the developer must start the process again.
VI. Masthead and Templates development. (Every page contains elements as text, images, logos etc.) When graphic materials are provided in hard copy they need additional processing and optimization for the use.
VII. Elements development (menu, headers, scripts etc.)
VIII. Site map, links testing.
F) Customer should understand basic principles of Web design. Printing solutions are not fir for web, for example. Large files will be slow downloading; a lot of animation will make the look "cheesy". Elements that Customer liked on other sites may not work with his site or business type.

1. So our Manager suggests (when requested) offers on structure and content to appointed Customer's representative. The timetable counts the time after Customer provided us with all approved content materials.
2. Customer should understand that we create his Web image for the world. We gathered some of the best skilled Web profies in Ukraine so please remember that the work goes faster and the site looks integral when a professional web designer can show an initiative. Customer's remarks are very important for understanding general look demands and associated impressions expected, but a plenty of elementary notes will slow down the site's development. Please trust professionals.
3. Publishing of all pages. Navigation programming (when requested).
4. Site testing by both parties. Minor changes in texts, formatting, scripts etc.
5. Domain name registration and DNS setup. Consulting on a better domain choice.
6. Installation of the site on a chosen Web server.
7. Hosting agreement (when requested) or recommendations.
8. Meta tags programming and optimization upon received information (from Customer).
9. Site promotion and marketing (when requested). Marketing and media planning.
10. Support and consulting. Localization into other language versions.

Content sheet sample.

№ In the structure Menu item title Text file title Description, keywords Image files (URL)/if applicable/
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